Georgia Real Estate Forecast for 2019/2020

Real Estate Problem Solver
Middle Georgia real estate market has benefited from the rising economy as well as any other city in the US. House sales in Warner Robins, Kathleen and Bonaire reached new highs in 2018. 2019 house sales have tampered a little since last year, but are still holding strong. According to the Development Authority of Houston County, home sales over the past five years have increased roughly fifty percent. Also, median home sale prices have risen to an average of $148,000 for the Warner Robins areas. Macon median home values, for example, have increased by 13.7%. Home values for the same areas are predicted to continue rising into 2020. Some smaller markets in the state, like Kathleen and Bonaire are seeing even better increases.

Even if you don’t own a house in these specific areas, houses in all middle Georgia areas are selling well. Areas in Warner Robins, north of Watson Blvd are showing an increases in sales that have not moved in some time. As of July 2019, house are still selling in less than 60 days on market, on average. Of course, sales slowdown in the winter, but are expected to come back just as strong in the spring of 2020. Median prices for these same house are expected to hold steady into 2020 also.

Some of the reasons for the positive outlook for the Macon, Warner Robins and Perry real estate market can be contributed to the reduction of available housing. Fewer houses on market have kept the demand high for the local inventory that is still available.

Other factors that are helping the housing market in the Macon/Warner Robins area are the new businesses moving into the area. Amazon has a new staging warehouse in full operation between Warner Robins and Macon. This is pulling in an increase in upper management jobs and also an increase in logistics traffic.

Also, there is promising news for additional hiring positions from Robins Air Force Base. When the positions are ultimately filled, the people who get hired will have to live somewhere. Some will likely move into the area from out of town. Houston County will benefit from the many implants that move into the area, but Perry, Macon, Cochran and Hawkinsville will benefit from the added population as well. But housing experts say either way, it’s the latest in a long string of good news for the county’s real estate market.

So, if you are thinking about selling and want to cash in on this market, now is a good time. Of course, call us first at and let us make an offer.

If you decide to sell your house on the open retail market, make sure to make the house look as nice as possible. Clean, cut and trim the yard and landscaping to make curb appeal pull buyers in. Staging is another investment that all home sellers should consider. It is one of the most cost-effective ways to get more for your home. Houses in the 101.000 to 195,000 price range are selling the most with houses in the 50,000 to 100,000 range coming in second.

2020-02-18T11:14:35+00:00October 18th, 2019|0 Comments